This time around I ditch the porters and go with a blonde ale, originally I wrote and posted this one during the summer, but I still feel the same way about it.  You can find out how I feel about it below! First, let me apologize for not taking a picture of it in a glass, I was at someone else places and didnt ask for one, I have drank it out of a glass before, just forgot to take a new picture.  It pours a nice almost clear blonde, it has a white head that doesn”t stick around.

One thing about the aroma on this one is that it had a sweet floral smell with a hint of citrus.  It was pleasant and the hint of citrus in a blonde ale was a little different to me, but then I’m not a pro at this….yet. The taste was crisp and refreshing.  I want to say I tasted corn and caramel mainly and a hint of honey.  I want to say the corn part was a bit of a surprise to me because I didn’t remember reading about corn being used at the time, but since then I’ve read that corn chips are used, not sure if that’s true or if it was just some combination of the ingredients that made me think it tasted that way.

Overall at 4.8%ABV this is a perfect summer time session beer, I’ve bought it a few times and everyone has enjoyed it.  It’s not a perfect brew and there are other summer time session beers that I like better, but it still gets a solid 3 out of 5 kegs.