Making a deal with the devil is one thing, but making a deal with the devil without realizing it is quite another. In light of Harry and Louis' initial interaction, this is the first thing that comes to mind. You..
The sense of unease is palpable, and the situation is far from predictable. How's that double whammy? Well, if I were dealing with an alien that had a bone to pick, I wouldn't give it an inch, nor would I..
There's no denying that working in isolation is ideal for staying focused, especially when composing a score for a horror movie is the task at hand. One wrong note, and you could end up with a discordant melody that doesn't..
Killers of the psychic type are few and far between, which is probably for the best considering that my head would likely explode if there were one too many. Self-deprecating humor aside, it doesn't take a parapsychologist to figure out..
The power of the mind is an intriguing idea. It's an idea that explores possibilities; it's an idea that explores the limits as well as the extent of power, in which case Cronenberg is dealing with extrasensory perception not merely..
There is an abstractness to concepts such as being, knowing, time, and space; an abstractness that I find intriguing in that concrete things are clearly defined and the things that aren't aren't. Both are on opposite ends of the spectrum,..
Explosions, drug dealing, endorphin extracting, projectile weapons, and a high speed pursuit. And to think that coming in peace meant no violence whatsoever. One thing is certain: it's Christmas in Houston, and a psychopathic alien is on the loose, injecting..
The idea of the past coming back to haunt a small town is an intriguing one; it's an idea that Carpenter brings to life, what with the fog engulfing Antonio Bay with no end in sight and the town's one..