Making a deal with the devil is one thing, but making a deal with the devil without realizing it is quite another. In light of Harry and Louis' initial interaction, this is the first thing that comes to mind. You..
The sense of unease is palpable, and the situation is far from predictable. How's that double whammy? Well, if I were dealing with an alien that had a bone to pick, I wouldn't give it an inch, nor would I..
The power of the mind is an intriguing idea. It's an idea that explores possibilities; it's an idea that explores the limits as well as the extent of power, in which case Cronenberg is dealing with extrasensory perception not merely..
The idea of a birthday being unlike any other is intriguing in that it opens the door to the unknown; and as such, the emphasis on details such as turning nineteen and celebrating at the exact time of birth have..
The idea of the past coming back to haunt a small town is an intriguing one; it's an idea that Carpenter brings to life, what with the fog engulfing Antonio Bay with no end in sight and the town's one..
There comes a time when a journey must be embarked upon, a time when unfamiliar territory presents obstacles that one is unprepared for. Such a time is by no means desirable, but there is something to be said for the..
Sometimes the words on a page are so evocative that they bring to mind images that are so striking that they could only come from dreams. This is a distinguishing characteristic of Next of Kin, a film which can be..
Sometimes all you need to experience a reality that is just as vivid as life itself is a crash helmet and an obsolete computer. Sounds like a low budget way of bringing virtual experience to life, doesn't it? Well, don't..