Killers of the psychic type are few and far between, which is probably for the best considering that my head would likely explode if there were one too many. Self-deprecating humor aside, it doesn't take a parapsychologist to figure out..
An investigation is like a puzzle. It requires a methodical approach as well as seeing the bigger picture, two qualities that Kurosawa stresses, as he is not only attentive to the mystery surrounding the murders but also to the unreliability..
The power of the mind is an intriguing idea. It's an idea that explores possibilities; it's an idea that explores the limits as well as the extent of power, in which case Cronenberg is dealing with extrasensory perception not merely..
The mere thought of Jess Franco adapting Dracula is intriguing. He's a filmmaker who is prone to sleaze and erotica, but he's also a filmmaker who, I would argue, is at his most competent when he puts in the effort...